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Organizing and Scientific Committees 

·  Prof. Dr. İzzet SAKALLI (Chair; General Relativity and Black Hole Thermodynamics)

·  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habib MAZHARIMOUSAVI (Vice-Chair; General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and Biophysics)


·  Prof. Dr. Mustafa HALİLSOY (General Relativity and Mathematical Physics)

·  Prof. Dr. Omar MUSTAFA (Quantum Mechanics and Theoretical Physics)

·  Prof. Dr. Ayhan BİLSEL (Physics Education) 

·  Prof. Dr. Özay GÜRTUĞ (General Relativity and Mathematical Physics

·  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suat DENGİZ (Classical and Quantum Gravity, Quantum Field Theories and Black Holes) 

·  Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa RIZA (Quantum Mechanics, Statistical and Computational Physics)

·  Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Okcan (Experimental Physics)

·  Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali ÖVGÜN (Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology)


Local Organizing Committee 

·  Sn. Ins. Altay İSTİLLOZLU

·  Dr. Zahra AMIRABI

·  Dr. Koray DÜZTAŞ

·  Dr. İbrahim GÜLLÜ



Secretariat and Assistants 

·  Çilem AYDINTAN (Secretary)

·  Danial FORGHANI

·  Gülnihal TOKGÖZ

·  Huriye GÜRSEL

·  Niloufar ABTAHI

·  Sara KANZI

·  Hüseyin KARYAL

·  Zeinab ALGADHI

·  Reşat AKOĞLU (Technical support supervisor)

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